Danielle Belleny is a wildlife biologist and avid birder from San Antonio, TX. She enjoys the never ending opportunities to nature watch in everyday places. Her favorite part about being a biologist is being able to share her knowledge of nature with others.
Danielle is also known as The Cemetery Birder since she frequents cemeteries and other overlooked places that are surprisingly complex habitats for wildlife. Danielle encourages others to go #BirdingAnywhere! Cemeteries, parking lots, and even online birding are some of her favorite non-traditional birding spots. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @BellzIsBirding to find out how you can become part of the #CemeteryBirdersClub.
In June 2020, Danielle helped organize the inaugural #BlackBirdersWeek with The BlackAFinSTEM Collective. #BlackBirdersWeek is a social movement that celebrates Black nature enthusiasts and comments on the struggles many Black people face while recreating outdoors. To find more about The BlackAFinSTEM Collective and #BlackBirdersWeek activities for 2021 follow them on Instagram and Twitter @BlackAFinSTEM
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Episode image by Nicholas Pederson on Flickr.